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Re: How cold is it where you are?

Subject: Re: How cold is it where you are?
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 21:23:43 -0800
I knew you hadn't forgotten... :-)
--Pat Kelly
P.S. You'll note, though I live about 40 miles from 'CHD,' it's 8
degrees colder here. wrote:
> Phil writes:
> > Hmm.  Not sure the Lotus will be ready that fast.  We will see.
> >
> Let's see, between now and Jan 28 (SF Region's Round 1), I have to trim some
> inner fender material, set the float level and adjust the accelerator pump.
> In the meantime, I get to run the first Monday event I've done since we
> stopped putting on Memorial Day events.  This one will be 1/1/01, in Don
> Ebaugh's CSP Civic.  It's 55 F out, now, should be warm enough to work in the
> carport on a weekend or two...
> (I remember why I moved from the Midwest 20 years ago...)

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