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1989 Nationals, was: Demographics Now

To: "" <>
Subject: 1989 Nationals, was: Demographics Now
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:52:39 -0500
Matt Murray, my P-Car buddy, says:

<<<I think collectively we'd anti up the cash to get you an M3, but I don't
think that would do it (shut you up, that is). :^)>>>

Try me. I can be bought. :)

<<<'89 was a pretty wet Nationals as I remember. I was in a '86 Toyota
GT-S (rear drive). I got the car stuck in the mud when I pulled up to the
tent with the scoring sheets. I remember a left hand keyhole/carousel (sp?)
on the south course that quite a few drivers spin/slid/floated through.>>>

>From what I remember the first two days were raining and very windy but the
second two days were fair and actually quite nice so I didn't have that
excuse, although I actually prefer the wet because it is a great equalizer.
The first two days is also when the timer screwups occurred on the South
Course. I'll always remember the look on Chuck Sample's face...

I also remember thinking I was not going to get through registration without
a Solo II rulebook. Over half the people in the line had them but the other
half didn't. Nobody asked.

Paul Foster

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