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Re: Datsun 510s and SM

To: Dennis Hale <>
Subject: Re: Datsun 510s and SM
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 09:53:24 -0800
Alpha is "Alfa"
--Pat K

Dennis Hale wrote:
> Hey, I know about those Datsun 510s!
> I put that big meet on every year. It's more work than
> chairing a SFR divisional with Charlie running
> impound! 8-] We get about 150 510s from all over the
> west, plus Datsun Roadsters and early Z cars. We have
> carshows, autocrosses, even rent a racetrack for the
> day. The deal runs from Thursday through Sunday. This
> is the eleventh year. I know the event of which you
> speak, and the cars.
> Of those 510s, less than 25% have the original 1600cc
> engine still in there. Most have upgraded to later
> 2000cc pickup motors but more and more they are
> becoming street rods, like Corvette parts under a
> model A. Nissan VG30 V6s are all the rage, but more
> than a few never imported by Nissan USA but still
> Nissan made motors show up. Few non Nissan engines are
> chosen for whatever reason.
> This has been going on for a long time out here. When
> I started autocrossing in about 1985 I showed up with
> a pickup truck motor in my 510. It didn't fit any SCCA
> class. There were about 8 cars like mine, that is
> wrong motor street cars, and we all formed a rag-tag
> "false grid" with the locals in EP. Lets see, in
> addition to a couple 510s, there was a Capri with the
> wrong motor [a V8 I think, didn't matter], even a
> pristine Alpha Guilietta with some wrong Alpha motor
> in there. We were far from a threat to the real EP
> cars and drivers and this game played for couple of
> years. Did you know only competitors in the class may
> protest you on preparation violations? Cheaters! to
> the SCCA hardcore, but having lots of fun.
> Finally we decided to add an "OSP" class to the local
> structure. The hardcores had just so much trouble with
> we infidels. We intended to write rules whenever a
> problem occurred that would indicate a need for them
> but for now, just go out and play.
> Well, 15 years later, there are still no rules. The
> class is usually both the most popular and the best
> entry point for new people. Not only 510 folks either
> lest I get trapped in some single marque warp like
> others all too familiar around here. Interestingly
> enough I personally never ran the class, having moved
> on to EM with a Buick V8 510 then EP with a real EP
> 510. Locals were sure I wanted to cherry pick the
> class with my EM car, but hey, it just cost too much
> to run in any class, and the national champ [Bob King}
> was running locally in EM and associating with him was
> far better than winning an "easy" class. And it
> wouldn't have worked any better on street rubber than
> slicks.
> Over the years there have been three dominant
> cars/drivers. Early on there was a great topless 240Z
> with a Nissan 2300cc 4 cylinder. The owner went on to
> a good career roadracing in DSRs. Then The BUG, lots
> of dunebuggy and midget engine technology and driven
> by a 65 year old guy who has raced bugs for ever. Now
> we have the Starlet driven by an ex rallyecrosser.
> Lots of TRD goodies but still a small motor and no
> supercharging. Notice neither superchargers nor large
> motors are in that mix. Many a Corvette [and
> overboosted DSM I daresay] has retreated to the safety
> of a rigid class to keep that **#@ Bug away! The class
> has been very successful with no rules.  The cars run
> solidly like top ASP or P cars with similar times and
> expenses.
> I tried to share these things with Grant a year or two
> ago. He called me a weenie. Leave him be in his quest
> for an [inter?]national class to his liking. He's
> doing the work, he wants it his way, that's fine.
> There is a big difference between the local scene and
> the [inter]national one that just escapes me. At least
> he doesn't cry for someone else to do it for him, his
> way.
> We will continue to build our wacky 510s and run our
> own events with or without SCCA's blessing.
> =====
> Dennis Hale
> __________________________________________________

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