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Re: Letter to SEB / ESP

Subject: Re: Letter to SEB / ESP
From: Todd Green <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 15:08:16 -0600
>BTW, has anyone even noticed another pretty good driver (Jim Leithauser) in
>the SAME car could do no better than seventh, 4 seconds behind? Or that
>there were two other M3s in the game -- one finishing third, yes, but three
>seconds behind, with its co-driver in 33rd; and the third M3 finishing 31st.

Hey, hey, hey!  I was 2.8 seconds behind Bob, not three!   Using
EgoMath(tm), that rounds down to 2, not up to 3!!!!  <vbg>  I can even
write a computer program to prove it:

perl -e 'use POSIX qw(floor); print floor(2.8), "\n";'

See if I had just keep my foot to the floor(), I would have run only 2.0
behind ;)


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