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RE: East Coast help?

Subject: RE: East Coast help?
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 21:56:30 EDT
I would trust my car to most of the autocrossers I know as well. But you 
know as well as I do that the majority of the dolts on the road are barely 
conscious at best. If one of them hit the car while you were responsible for 
it, just who picks up the liability, and the resultant insurance problems?  
My van got hit one day while I was turning left at an intersection. I got 
around the corner and had to stop because someone in front of me decided to 
turn left into a lot. I got rear ended while waiting for the guy in front to 
to make up his mind. It could just as easily happen to you while driving a 
car owned by Mr. Washburn. In a case like that, who's insurance picks up the 
tab? My checkbook nor my insurance would want to cover that.

Larry Steckel

>From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
>Reply-To: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
>To: "''" <>,   "''" 
>  <>
>Subject: RE: East Coast help?
>Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 15:54:45 -0500
>I guess, the only thing that would pose a problem here is the liability of 
>bunch of different people driving the car. I'm sure Pat's insurance company
>would just love this plan.
>Oh please.  I'd trust a bunch of autocrossers with my car way before I'd
>trust a Nascar guy or drag racer or even an IRL driver.  Sorry, but these
>are street cars on street tires on actual streets with lots of low speed
>stuff to dodge.  Not 150+ mph oval tracks.  :^P
>Eric Linnhoff in KC
>1998 Dodge Neon R/T
>#69 STS    #13 TLS
>"If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it."
>H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Treasure Book, on wisdom


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