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Re: Streetable Autox Cars ('Bama laws)

To: "Burns, James B." <>
Subject: Re: Streetable Autox Cars ('Bama laws)
From: "Charles R. Schultz" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 12:21:13 -0500
I don't think goggles would cut it.  The manual definitely said

I haven't seen a spec cobra, so I can't even guess, but I think I've
seen guys with Plexiglas "windshields" on their buggies.  If you had a
full cage, you could fabricate a flat, removable sheet of something
clear (lexan?) and probably get away with it.

Remember, I'm not a lawyer, and haven't read all the motor vehicle regs,
but am just reporting on what the drivers' manual said and what I've
seen.  There may be a requirement for at least some identifiable part of
the car to be from a street-legal automobile sold in this country, maybe
a vin plate, for instance.

I'll try to find out more and report back on this.  Now my curiosity's
up a bit, too, and it would give me something to do while avoiding White
Knuckle Weekend at Talladega.


"Burns, James B." wrote:
> >Lets see if I can remember what the drivers' manual said you need:
> >headlights, one taillight, one brake light, a windshield, and a muffler
> >that prevents backfires.  Even gun racks are optional.  ;^)
> >
> I wonder what they would accept as a windshield.  If you had a NASA Spec
> Cobra with the little competition windscreen, would that be okay?  How about
> if you wore goggles?
> Brad B.

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