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Re: 2001 Stock Class Proposal

To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: 2001 Stock Class Proposal
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 23:21:21 -0500
> Yeah, DC is not building a new ACR because of solo2.. "Oh no we wont
>have or own class and we wont sell those extra 50 cars so we better bag the
>ACR program". lol  Just by chance if you have not be paying attention they
>are doing away with most of the Neon money anyway, kind of think that will
>help kill off the Neon. They are going to give your money to the Viper
Actually "our" money is going to the NASCAR guys and "world" racing venues

But it's just too bad that Daimler had to come in and screw up a perfectly
good grassroots program.  And you _could_ consider me unbiased since I've
never received a single contingency penny from them.  ;^)

DC is not building the new ACR (yet) because of several reasons.  Right now
the PT Cruiser is taking orders far in advance of what they can deliver and
that ties up valuable manufacturing resources.  Daddy Daimler doesn't care a
whit about cheap cars for the masses.  Daddy Daimler doesn't care a whit
about cheap high performance cars for the masses either.  Folks are getting
tired of contantly rising prices for a "stripper" car.  Performance model or
not folks simply do not want to pay much over $15K for a Neon.  (That's why
I also think the SRT [200+hp supercharged] Neon will also never be built.
Who in their right mind would pay $20K for a Neon?  Not me.  Well, not on a
straight "production" one anyway.)  The new ACR will likely NOT be on par
performance-wise with the 1st gen cars.  Taller and heavier are two very
hard obstacles to overcome.  _I_ know.  ;^)

That said, there are many folks who already have 2001 ACRs on order so DC is
going to build them.  The question that begs to be answered is are they
going to be as fast as the 1st gen cars?  We shall see.

As to the Stock Class reorg thing, why mess with it?  Was it broken?  Ahh,
screw it.  I'm going to STS where I can tinker anyway.  ;^)

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69 STS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

"Fill what's empty, empty what's full,
and scratch where it itches."
The Duchess of Windsor when asked
what is the secret of a long and happy life

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