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Re: Pro solo opener Evolution School

Subject: Re: Pro solo opener Evolution School
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 11:44:49 EDT

In a message dated 10/6/00 7:14:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Paul Cezanne 

 If someone asks you for the info, send it to them directly.

(Catch 22, how can you ask if you don't know?) 
You can create an email list for evolution announcements (using a 
 free server such as onelist or yahoo) so that folks that want to hear 
 about the new schools can hear about them.

(Some lists have so few posts it's difficult to tell if they're working, this 
could lead to missing a scheduled event.)

 Start a web page (this is fairly easy no matter what you tech level 
 if you buy the right software package), you are an AOL user, I 
 believe you can host it there for free.  Advertise your web site in 
 your signature when you post topic related responses, this is how I 
 advertise my wife's book.

(I guess you're implying that the Evolution school is not topic related, so 
Jean has to write something you consider topic related on Team.Net so the 
Evolution website appears in the signature.  How would you advise the wording 
in that signature so people would know to look for an upcoming event?)
 No one is questioning how effective the school is. 52% or trophies is 
 good.  This has NO bearing on weather or not the post is spam.  What 
 if Kumho or Hoosier posted build numbers of their tires weekly and 
 talked about how many trophies they won?
(If Kumho or Hoosier was having a tire test clinic for autoxers I'd want them 
to post it and wouldn't mind if they listed their accomplishments.)
The delete key is NOT the answer to spam, not sending it is. What 
 would Team.Net be like if GRM and Pylon got into a "buy my product" 
 war?  They both have a presence on Team.Net, both, IMHO, are 
(Again, if GRM or Pylon was advertising a school or test day for autoxing I'd 
want to know about it.)

I agree with Loren, sorry.  (And this is nothing against your school, 
 I plan to take one as soon as a Miata shows up in my driveway.)  You 
 have a very specific product and a very specific customer base, MORE 
 specific than Team.Net, you are targeting the autocrossers who want 
 to take a school, NOT the group of autocrossers.   Team.Net does NOT 
 want your posts, but many, many autocrossers do want it.  Think of 
 all the spam the Rocky and Byron have put out for the autocrossing 
 products they sell, not much, huh?  Both of them only respond to 
 specific, public, requests for the product.  And I don't see such 
 requests for your product.
 pZ -- Paul Cezanne formerly Czarnecki

(AGAIN, if Rocky or Byron were having a test clinic for their product, I'd 
want to know.  The Evolution school is first and foremost an education, that 
it happens to be a product appears to be the spam conflict.  The request 
wouldn't be for the product, it would be for the date of the product, if you 
want someone from Team.Net to ask for Evoulution Dates, that can be arranged, 
just say how often.)
Kevin Wallace

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Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 10:11:12 -0400
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From: Paul Cezanne <>
Subject: Re: Pro solo opener Evolution School
Reply-To: Paul Cezanne <>
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If someone asks you for the info, send it to them directly.

You can create an email list for evolution announcements (using a 
free server such as onelist or yahoo) so that folks that want to hear 
about the new schools can hear about them.

Start a web page (this is fairly easy no matter what you tech level 
if you buy the right software package), you are an AOL user, I 
believe you can host it there for free.  Advertise your web site in 
your signature when you post topic related responses (this is how I 
advertise my wife's book)

No one is questioning how effective the school is. 52% or trophies is 
good.  This has NO bearing on weather or not the post is spam.  What 
if Kumho or Hoosier posted build numbers of their tires weekly and 
talked about how many trophies they won?

The delete key is NOT the answer to spam, not sending it is. What 
would Team.Net be like if GRM and Pylon got into a "buy my product" 
war?  They both have a presence on Team.Net, both, IMHO, are 

I agree with Loren, sorry.  (And this is nothing against your school, 
I plan to take one as soon as a Miata shows up in my driveway.)  You 
have a very specific product and a very specific customer base, MORE 
specific than Team.Net, you are targeting the autocrossers who want 
to take a school, NOT the group of autocrossers.   Team.Net does NOT 
want your posts, but many, many autocrossers do want it.  Think of 
all the spam the Rocky and Byron have put out for the autocrossing 
products they sell, not much, huh?  Both of them only respond to 
specific, public, requests for the product.  And I don't see such 
requests for your product.

pZ -- Paul Cezanne (formerly Czarnecki)

Please consider buying my wife's new book, The Illusionist, 
( and then help the UN feed the world 
for free @


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