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looking for site/host club for Feb-March Dial In

Subject: looking for site/host club for Feb-March Dial In
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 08:56:56 EDT
Hi guys-
   I am looking for a site to have a Dial In school in January or February 
with Guy Ankney, Daddio, Leverone maybe a couple other instructors.  I need a 
warm place as the months I am looking for is in Jan or Feb.  these are a 
couple of our down months and I have Guy available then.  I can afford 
750-1000 site rental for the weekend but need a club to have this go through 
their insurance like a regualr event...if large enough, I can have a couple 
schools at the same time.  But, I need to use Guy with his availabilty being 
so open during these months...right now, it looks like Philly will be one end 
of April, and at Peru or St. Louis end of May or early June.

If you can help me out, pass this along, please do.


Jean Kinser
Owner Evolution Performance Driving School

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