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Re: tire warming

Subject: Re: tire warming
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 01:53:33 EDT
Funny this should come up now. I spent several hours before this weekends 
event with a propane torch and a scraper trying to get all of the CP rubber 
off of our tires from Nationals. My wife ran ESL with the 66 CP cars, and the 
rubber buildup was scary. The rear tires were about 3/8 of an inch bigger 
than before her runs.

I found the only way to get it off was with the torch. When I was done, the 
tires were very sticky indeed. How many people would protest someone using a 
torch to "clean" their tires in grid? 

Before any CP'ers say anything, I ran with just ES and FSP cars which are all 
on DOT tires, the build-up was no where near as much. 

I think the rule is going to be re-worded thanks to this little discussion, 
it does say 

"Pre-heating of tires prior to competition by electrically heated covers or 
by similar means is prohibited" 

Hmmm. Is using a torch on the tread surface a "similar means" to an electric 

Gary M.

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