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Re: Dixie Region Trailer Stolen

Subject: Re: Dixie Region Trailer Stolen
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 00:04:30 GMT
"Rocky Entriken" <> wrote:
>Under the heading of locking the barn door after the horse is gone...
>a trailer is easy to steal when all you have to do is back up to
>it, hook on and go. Arkansas Region had theirs stolen a couple
>of years back. Never heard that it was ever recovered.

One thing that we do locally is have two equipment
chairs.  One is responsible for the trailer, the other
for the electronics.  If someone steals the trailer, all
that they're getting is some cones, cables, and a garbage
can.  The computer, timer, radios, printer, generator, and
other expensive goodies that are not as easy to replace are
all stored in somebody's place of residence (mine) between
events.  There are days when I wish that somebody would steal
our trailer, since the cones are getting real ratty and it's
the ugliest trailer of any club in the region.

My sympathy goes out to the Dixie Region.  I hope
that you catch the person, and offer my assistance to
hang them from a tree by paperclips under their fingernails
when they are captured.....

-Arthur ("Guardian of the expensive gadgets" edition.)


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