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Re: Fw: October Fastrack

Subject: Re: Fw: October Fastrack
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:31:41 -0700
On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:10:03 -0500 "Robert M. Pickrell Jr."
<> writes:
> The problem with the  age 8 and even  older is not every child  that  
> age is large enough. Nor do most  people spend the money to buy a
> fitting helmet for children this  age. Then we make the local safety 
> stewards, and  or tech  people  responsible for ensuring: The helmet
fits properly, 
> and the child is of sufficient size to not  be hurt by a air bag. I do
not like 
> the  8 year old age. In many cases a child of 12 could be to small. 

Heck, someone 34 can be too small.  (I'm solidly in the size range of
women who have been decapitated by an airbag.)

My basic point, which I sent to John backchannel earlier, is that if we
allow kids to compete (Formula Junior) are we really saying that riding
along is *more* dangerous and they should not be allowed to do it?

There are tons of things that would be easier to point out to Matthew in
the car in motion than they are in words, pointing from the side or
walking the course.

'91 MR2 NA  (driver airbag only)
'91 Eagle Talon TSi (goofy automatic seat belts)
'96 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel (driver airbag only)
------I take no responsibility for anything below this line------


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