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Things to Never Do

Subject: Things to Never Do
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:12:52 -0500
  Now, I've certainly got an opinion on everything - but even
my sub-202 IQ brain tells me to never offer one on Ladies Classes.

  In all of my time on the 'net, every time this subject comes up, it is
GUYS carrying on the debate.
  Look:  These parallel classes were created by the women in the
sport.  Every single female that runs an 'L' class knows the positive
and negative benefits of the current structure.  Some think it is
the way it should be.  Others have expressed guilt at running
an 'L' class.  Others choose the Open class route.

  Paula is right - this is an issue for the women in the club to
decide.  Not us.  We have enough to do keeping our 'johnson'
pointed in the right direction.  We have no business trying to
impose on them our view of the structure that they created.

  Interesting that this comes up specifically when under-subscribed
classes are under discussion.  A diversion?

  Roger II

(I've been thinking and adding all day - If you summed together the IQ
of every Roger Johnson I know, it wouldn't add up to 202.  Hmmmm.)

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