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re: FM Congratulations & Apologizes

Subject: re: FM Congratulations & Apologizes
From: Doug Miller <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 00:42:16 -0600
Rick McClure Wrote:
>My Sincerely APOLOGIZES to the entire SVOA membership, the SEB, and everyone
>at for my lack of faith in SCCA's current Solo Vee rules and my
>repeated efforts on to "stir the waters" regarding FM parity.  I
>was wrong...  A Solo Vee CAN, and DID, win a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
>Again, CONGRATULATION Scott on your First National Championship.  It
>couldn't have happened to a more deserving, or more capable driver - You ARE

WOW. I been lurkin' on this list for quite some time. I remember at least
two or three discussions on the best shoes for walking a course. I remember
MANY discussions on how confusing the dm and em rules are. Heck, I contributed
to the very first "server needs a new hardrive" fund.

But I don't ever remember anyone making any kind of public apology like this,
in as classy a manner as this (and I don't think I even understand all the

This McClure guy seems like a real class act. If he really exists.........
;-)   ;-)   ;-)

doug miller

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