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Re: Was M3 - - now ESP participation

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: Was M3 - - now ESP participation
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:11:26 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Loren Williams wrote:
> > Second, the name on the fender does kinda matter.  ESP is supposed to be a
> > pony car class.  Perhaps that's never been made official, but there's no
> > question that's the majority opinion.
> If it is not permissible for anything other than an American-made "pony
> car" to win this class, why are other cars even classified there?  If the
> intent is that a pony car should win and nothing else should, the ONLY fair
> solution to that problem is to remove every other car from the class to
> ensure that no one has the opportunity to even attempt to win in something
> other than the popular car.

Again, I said "dominate" not "win" in that message.

Having said that, I agree mostly with what you said with the exception
that the Talon has proven itself to be competitive without being dominant
and should be left in the class due to historical reasons.

MHO and all that.


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