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Re: Karl, JD & Steve Johnson

Subject: Re: Karl, JD & Steve Johnson
From: "Karl Rickert" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 20:25:12 GMT
For now all I'm gonna say is WOW! I was totaly impressed with the 
competition, sportsmanship and professionalism of the event. I will post 
more on our adventure shortly. And if you miss it look for  my NAP article 
in an upcoming issue.

As for Steve Johnson, he is indeed a nice enough fellow. I spoke with him 
several times during the weekend plugging and TLS along with our 
local region (Dixie). He's said he'd like to make our next event at our 
newly aquired site in Marianna. I also got an on camera interview with him, 
but doubt that will ever make a widely seen tape.

Thanks a Zillion!
Karl Rickert


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