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Re: South Course was Car, North Course was Driver?

Subject: Re: South Course was Car, North Course was Driver?
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 13:58:09 EDT
In a message dated 09/17/2000 9:28:07 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Looking at the results in various classes, I'm curious what folks who
>  ran thought of the statement Jean Kinser relayed from BSP that "south
>  course was car, north course was driver."  I went home thinking both
>  courses were "car" to some extent, but fooling with some of the numbers
>  at <> has me reconsidering that opinion.

why is it you cannot put a statement of what you were hearing and suddenly it 
is put down as taking votes on it...I made a statement of opinion for what I 
was hearing as many classes had times in bunches close together on the south 
course.  Many roadracing people did well on the south course, people who were 
used to high speeds...and if your car was the powert car with losts of torque 
and power, they did well.  Power cars with horsepower and drivers used to 
that did well-top notch drivers in a slower out powered car like Renee Eady 
in the Honda or even Brian Priebe's under powered to Erik's subaru in ST was 
at a disadvantage.  My statement was opinions of various people from various 
classes including many of my instructors and when these people and cars were 
on the north course, the differences seemed to change. Many top drivers down 
from the south course seemed to pull back up when going to the north course 
with good, clean runs.  Then the big cars, with cone problems but tons of 
power seemed to pull themselves back with the faster car on the south.

I really don't appreciate in making an agreement with some other people's 
statement and having an opinion to have it put up for debate on. This is what 
makes some people not want to ever chime in with opinions, etc...


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