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Re: BMW M3's in ESP - again.

Subject: Re: BMW M3's in ESP - again.
From: Dave Guard <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 17:20:33 -0400
Re: Whining from back markers.

I thought this list was about opinions and discussion topics related
to autox.

Maybe some have gotten opinion mixed up with whining.
If that's the case, should back markers be limited from contributing
(opinion or whine) ? If we're limiting relevant input to only those who
finish in the top of their class... this list should be pretty quiet all
week :-o

So unless this list is only for tops in the class, I say its OK to
old discussion topics. The old thread died with, "let's wait and see
happens at Nationals". Well, its Nationals. The ProSolo results were
interesting, as are Day 1 results. The big gal is coming on stage

(rekindling the old thread) The argument that got the E36 M3
moved to ESP was "it was too fat for CSP". However, we also class
the E36 M3 lightweights in ASP. Think about it, one car that covers
almost the complete range of the SP index. Seems odd that aluminum
doors make that much difference :-). I made the suggestion to reclass
E36 M3 to ASP and put it on the same line as the lightweights.

Its a shame the ESP entries were down so much from last year (37 vs 51).

F-Stock grew 58 vs. 40, CP grew 66 vs. 53, so its not like interest in
Pony cars is fading.

Dave Guard
ESP ' 93 Cobra Mustang.
(back marker at Nationals ? could be, might have been mid-pack -
 it doesn't matter!!!)

Headed for cover...

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