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Re: This Months Pylon:

To: <>
Subject: Re: This Months Pylon:
From: "Karen Rafferty" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 21:17:28 -0400
Bruce, I agree 100%.  I was going to email the Kellys directly about this
and volunteer to pick the winners next year.  It was obvious that little if
any research went into that particular Pylon article.

For those that don't get Pylon, I'll give one class - you'll have to
subscribe to Pylon (1-800-58-Kelly) to get all the classes :-) Take CS:
Priebe, Bailey, Hernandez, and McKee are mentioned (great picks for 1999 but
mostly absent from CS in 2000) - no mention of the 2000 hotshoes Newhard,
Butts, Roberts, Hollis, etc.

Kent Rafferty

Bruce wrote:
> I just finished reading  Dick Bergers "Y2K" Solo II Winners"  and I cant
believe that the editors of Pylon would allow this to go into print..  The
Picks are not nearly accurate because most of the so called winners of  the
classes are not even in the class any longer. Some of the Vehicles and
drivers picked are not competing in the class due to
> those vehicles being reclassified in 1999.. I.E. HS
> GS pick doesn't even own his car any longer  too name a few..

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