"Kelly, Katie" wrote:
> TW Theodore of the Thunder Valley Racing website has a great article
> regarding stereotypes, and how we live *down* to our expectations.
> Really fascinating and powerful stuff.
> Something to think about, anyway.
> http://thunval.com/racing/distant/current/editor.htm
Interesting stuff. I don't think it applies simply to stereotypes; I
think this is exactly why so many people do poorly at Nationals even
when they kick butt at Regional or Divisional events. They (okay, I)
simply focus on not failing, and indeed lose the intuitiveness.
Hence all the old adages... "Just another race." "Don't succumb to
pressure." "Tune out the distractions." You've heard 'em.
I like to try to remember what Jim Garry reminded me of a few years
ago at some big event -- "You can't win an event like this without
taking risks." But maybe even that is too mechanical... Far better
to just fall into that zone.
Good stuff just before Nationals. Thanks, Katie.