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Re: DTN Funding Last Call!

Subject: Re: DTN Funding Last Call!
From: "Karl Rickert" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 18:17:25 GMT
>From: "Matt Murray" <>
>I have received exactly two checks (both from MAC owners, somehow >this 
>makes sense :^)   ).
>Phil Either
>Paul Czarzanne (Czarnecki and Cezanne)

Remember folks there is NO deadline for DTN contributions, unlike the 
Nationals entry deadline (faxed and mailed mine Monday). All monies 
collected after or at Nationals will be held for the 2001 DTN.

Note: JD Kemp is now confirmed as the co-driver of "Alfie" at 
Nationals!!!!!!!  GO TEAM LAUGHING STOCK!

Listed below are those whom have contributed via Paypal to date.

Mark Sipe
Jeffrey Lloyd
Brian Beckman
Phillip Osborne
Eric Linnhoff
David Hawkins
Chuck McMillion
Jim Daniels
Mari Clements
Beth McClure
William Loring
Steven Ashcraft
William Ozinga
Kevin Stevens
Jay Mitchell
Peter Mottaz
Jason Suknot
Jon Prevo
Rex Tener
John Coffey
Randy Chase

I'd like to thank each and everyone personally, so please stop by at 
Nationals and say hello!

Direct link for DTN Donations via the Paypal system:

Snail Mail Address for DTN contributions:

Karl Rickert
54 Barnes Ave
Chattahoochee, FL 32324

Karl Rickert "AlfaKarl"
Dixie Region Asst Regional Executive
Dixie Region Solo2 Chairman
SEDiv Solo2 Registrar
CS #38 Alfa Romeo Spider
EP/GT4 Datsun 510
TLS #25
TLS Webmeister


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