Paul Zahornasky wrote...
> I'm siding with Mark. In the long run, a CM or FM ride is probably much
> less expensive to run. You don't need to give up your fun street car
> either. You don't even need to tow with it. Just find someone that has
> a Mod car and offer to split expenses to co-drive. Most CM and FM
> drivers would love to have co-drivers. It means warm tires for them
> every single time.
Okay, here goes. If anyone is interested, I'll co-drive and split
expenses in Mod or elsewhere. I'm near Chicago.
I'm currently autocrossing a 2000 Subaru Legacy GT wagon. I only
mention that because it's rated to tow 1 ton, and would make a fine
support vehicle. If I can sell my current trailer, I could wedge an FM
car and small trailer in the garage too. Other storage possibilities too.
For that matter, last event I was gridded next to an FMod, and the
driver and I wondered if it would fit *in* the wagon.
This year, next year, everything is negotiable.
D a v i d H i l l m a n