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Paging SCAC: Re-class the Pontiac Sunfire! (was Re: NEDivs)

Subject: Paging SCAC: Re-class the Pontiac Sunfire! (was Re: NEDivs)
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 01:07:23 GMT
I'd like to bring it to the attention of the SCAC and SEB that
John T. MacDonald's Y2K Pontiac Sunfire has trophied at both
the Ayer NT and NEDIV.  He admits to not having done *anything*
to it but tires.

Until the true potential of a Sunfire prepped to the limits is
known, I formally request that it be classed in F-Stock if it
is still under probation.  Obviously, the thing is a Type-R
killer out of the box, and doesn't belong in GS.  [I almost
feel silly writing this, but I'm dead serious!]

Oh, while you're at it, make sure that the VW Corrado VR6
(1992-95) winds up in the proposed Class 5..... :-)

-Arthur ("Beat at Ayer by a @$&~*!^@*# Pontiac Sunfire :-( " edition.)

"Alan Pozner" <> wrote:
>Just to add - GS
>1st Dale Kunze Type R
>2nd ??? Pontiac Sunfire !!! - Great drive both days
>3rd Eric Moon Type R
>4th Alan Pozner Type R
>5th Jeff Macrae Integra GSR


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