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Re: Heat cycle for the DOT Race tires, needed or not?

Subject: Re: Heat cycle for the DOT Race tires, needed or not?
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:43:08 PDT
>Allow 24-48 hours mininum time before using or don't bother
>heatcycling at all.

One aspect of heat-cycling I've never understood is the above.  If the tires 
aren't good to go as soon as they cool, then there must be some bonding 
transitions still going on - that's clear.  What's not clear is how.  Once 
they have cooled any chemical reactions are going to be happening at a 
glacial rate compared to what goes on when they're heated up.  And 
apparently those reactions DON'T take place below a critical temperature, or 
the tires would "heat-cycle" just sitting around in the garage.

Have you ever heard/asked about this, Bill?  It would seem to me that 
allowing the tires to cool to ambient temperature and then drenching them 
with a hose should accomplish the same thing a lot more quickly.


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