Dave Whitworth wrote:
<big snip>
> This got Andy thinking: Is there "correction" that could be
> made to the PAX for asphalt course?
Good grief. I finally win index and it's such a shock they want to overhaul
the PAX! :0
Seriously, I don't think that asphalt is the problem. You may recall that I
designed the course. My original layout had a soft launch, two decreasing
radius turns and a pretty significant kink in the middle of the high speed
sweeper which would slow things down.
The safety steward liked the course. Most of the regular drivers liked the
course. Then a bunch of the mod guys started crying that it was too tight.
The event director caved in and opened everything up. The result was an open
course that was basically just one sweeper following another. This has
happened several times this year. I've rarely had to shift down to first
whereas I usually do it on at least one or two parts of a course.
What's my point? Simply that prepared and mod cars have much better hp to
weight ratios than street cars. Therefore an open flowing course with no
heavy braking or acceleration zones doesn't allow them to fully exploit
their PAX.
I always get excited when I see courses like what we've been running all
year because I know I'll do well on index. I intentionally don't design
courses like that because people will (rightly) accuse me of favoring my
Do you think Sam Platt cleans up at Southern Illinois Airport because of the
concrete or because of the hairpin turn followed by a long straight? Sam won
index on a course at Gateway (same sight as Sunday) last year, taking FTD in
the process. Interestingly, that course featured a tight turn followed by a
long straight.
As for Andy's results, keep in mind it was mighty windy Sunday and wind
really messes up that big A mod wing. I was working course when he ran and
you could see the car getting knocked around by the gusts.
Eric Buckley
7 STR: 98 Integra GSR
St. Louis Region