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Re: Fair Classing for everybody is ridiculous? (was Fiero classing)

Subject: Re: Fair Classing for everybody is ridiculous? (was Fiero classing)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 20:35:50 EDT
George writes:

<<  You and your counterparts are really something. I ask for something for
 the masses, I get Brian Priebe and Bob Tunnell thrown at me to use for
 The classing questions aren't for the Brian Priebe's (Charley!) or Bob
 Tunnell's (Phil!) cars, they are for  Joe Schmuckatelli, or Jane Doe to
 have a chance.  >>

George, WAKE UP!!!  You can't class by the "average" driver!  You can never 
determine the "average" driver's potential in an "average" car.  You can, 
however, determine the potential of the best drivers in the best prepared 
examples of the best version of the best model of the car.  That's all you 
can do.  And that's what we do.
<<  Get real here!  >>

You're the one who needs to get real!  This classification process has been 
used since 1986, and it works pretty damned well, overall.  Look at all the 
variations of models of cars ever produced.  You can't make them all 
competitive!  I'll submit (leaving personalities out of it) that a well 
prepared Fiero will do better in its respective class than you think it will.

Personally, I went to CP because we have one of the fairest sets of rules for 
everyone.  If my '88 Firebird is slower than Kurt Janish's Camaro, it's my 
own damn fault and I have to take personal responsibility to make my 
situation better.  


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