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Re: Classing by Potential

Subject: Re: Classing by Potential
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 14:21:46 -0700 wrote:

So many
> people are so quick to say things, make accusations, crticize others who are
> doing all the work for this....if they would volunteer and take time to learn
> about things and how it all operates, maybe some of these critics out there
> would not be so open mouthed.. 

Jean, this is normal in my experience in most groups. Try volunteering
30 hours per week to youth soccer. You would not believe the stuff I
heard from some parents! 

My take is that too many people project their own beliefs onto others.
So if there was no way they would do something purely for altruistic
reasons, the volunteer must have some agenda also. If they cheat,
everyone else probably cheats. Etc... And, some people just plain suck.
Ignore them. The mistake is thinking that those loud people are worth
the energy. 

As you said, this sport is full of great people, who give A LOT. I was
amazed at the help I have gotten from certain individuals. A lot of the
great people I have met are not the big names either, but just good
people who are there to offer encouragement, advice, and parts when
things go wrong. I would not be driving to Wendover *just* for the
competition and points and a chance to win another Bonus Challenge. :-)

P.S. Nice letter was posted today to the MR2 list about the McKamey
School experience.

P.P.S. I also can't understand the move of the S2000, but leaving the

Randy Chase

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