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Re: Classing by Potential

Subject: Re: Classing by Potential
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 17:12:09 EDT
Come to Peru on Labor Day weekend for what I am doing for the school...we 
have friday open...let's get some people who want to bring their cars...any 
board people who want to try this...I can contact some people for getting 
aome cars stock.  We are classing on the car from the factory stock and it's 
potential and not the products availble, right?  I am game at anything to 
help put an end to all the griping and help get cars maybe where everyone 
will be a bit happier or satisfied...people don't seem to realized you don't 
get a huge paycheck for what you do...and the time and effort that goes into 
this...'s open and a thought.

Jean Kinser

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