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Re: hassled by The Man (was Re: Maps and window decals)

Subject: Re: hassled by The Man (was Re: Maps and window decals)
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:38:49 -0400
> In my mind, the fix for this is to raise the speed limit 5mph and 
> start
> ticketing anyone that's .01 mph over the new limit.  Publicised 
> correctly,
> it'd have a positive effect on the populous, and the whole "the cop 
> didn't
> like me" thing would get tossed away.  If we continue to rely so 

This won't work unless speedometers can be calibrated and
sealed. Also allowing a different size tire would mean recalibrating
the speedo all over again. This would be very costly and you can
BET that the Car Manufacturers won't do it. Far too much liability.
Of course for Big Brother advocates we could all carry real
"black boxes" in our car and anytime teh cops feel like uit they could
jack in and see when we were wearing our seatbelts how fast we
were going and when etc...
Then they could write us up all at once or we could do this eliminate
traffic cops altogether for motor vehicle violations and let the registry
analyze each black box and issue all the fines before you can register
your car for another year, failure to pay and you lose you license
in fact maybe you'd have to enter an ID code to even start the car
so you can't say someone else drove the car instead of you.

Of course if they did do this I would probably move.
Far far away.

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)
NER Region (Novice Class)


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