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Re: Maps of the Peru National Tour Courses

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: Maps of the Peru National Tour Courses
From: William Loring <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 08:48:14 -0600
This is what I love about the internet! We get to discuss -ad nauseum-
topics that were never a problem before we were "connected" in the first
place. Technology is a wonderful thing! (Sarcasm is underrated too)

Ten years ago, how many of us ever seriously considered the issue of who
did/did not see course maps before an event, let alone argue it with your
friends? Not me, that's for sure. I showed up at the event, they gave me a
map. Or not. Sometimes they just said "the course is over there. Tomorrow's
will be different."

Anyway, I'm with Denver on this one. Keep the maps put away, and only
distribute them on a "need to know" basis, unless you can guarantee that you
can get them to ALL competitors. (last I heard, the US Post Office could
still do this) While it is certainly arguable whether looking at a map
beforehand will help you in any way, I'd rather avoid the "perception of

I'm sorry that I got this ball rolling in the first place, it was a moment
of weakness. Shoulda just kept my big mouth shut. But hey! I'm ready to go
have fun in Peru!!


William Loring

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