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Re: Cone colors

Subject: Re: Cone colors
From: washburn <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 21:14:49 -0500 wrote:
> I don't believe all the "good" drivers  apex in the same place. A lot depends
> on the car, and individual driving style. They all get the job done. So for
> somebody to indicate 'the apex' by inserting a 'colored' cone would seem, to
> me, to be a little presumptuous. The only time I saw green cones put to good
> use in a course layout was, one time, when Guy Ankeny inserted them at three
> places around the course, to show the four work station boundaries.

I'm not really for different colors, but I think the idea is to show
where the *corner* apex is, not necessarily *your* apex.  At the very
least, he apex cone provides a fixed target with which to locate your
apex.  In order to late apex or course, you would first need a location
of a nuetral apex. In this regard, a different color could be a training
tool during a novice school or something.

I personally like to set up three entrance cones (along the edge of the
track where you set up your corner), three apex cones, and three exit
cones (along the exit edge of the course) for each corner.  This gives
each driver the option to use whatever cones they like as a guide, and
it keeps all different types of cars on the same track area without
regard to where exactly they enter, exit, and apex.  Just a preference.


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