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Re: ?'s about lightened flywheel

Subject: Re: ?'s about lightened flywheel
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 11:08:57 EDT
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 09:07:44 -0600
From: Dave Kizerian

<< Hi
I'm considdering buying a lightened and balanced flywheel for my (severly
torque deficiant) honda civic. Is this something that will help me while
autocrossing, or will it hurt me? I've gotten mixed oppinions about it so I
thought I'd ask here.
Dave K

There is a limit to how light you can go and still drive the car from a stop, 
but you would be very suprized how light that really is.  Most of the problem 
with SUPER light flywheels is the clutch that is just on or off. I do drive 
my beast on the street, and have been caught in bad traffic, so I went with a 
9 pound flywheel (stock is 22) but I am using a standard size clutch. It is a 
mettalic puck setup on a fully sprung disk, and I can creep it without any 
trouble. A friend with a 12 pound flywheel has trouble with a non sprung puck 
clutch. To start he pretty much has to chirp the tires or it will just die.

The sprung hub for rotation helps a little, but the wave spring between the 
two faces seems more important to be able to smoothly creep a car. Mine is a 
custom from Broward , they will make it any way you want.

Gary M.

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