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Re: Short People

Subject: Re: Short People
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 14:01:42 -0400
On Wed, 07 Jun 2000 10:23:46 PDT "Arthur Emerson" <>
> You're giving short people an advantage in being able to see
> under the mirror on YOUR car.  However, you keep forgetting
> that cars have been made with mirrors attached to the
> dashboard sticking upwards.  One other point that you might
> have overlooked :-) is that those same vertically-constrained
> drivers might be at a disadvantage seeing over the dashboard,
> with only loose pillows as their only course of action
> to see the cones.

Yeah, yeah--what he said.  The MR2 is NOT the first car that I couldn't
see the nose on.  

Doug Newhard worried about moving my seat once when we were in line for
practice course runs.  It's pretty darn easy to reposition it--all the
way forward, all the way up, back one click.  Steering wheel?  All the
way down.  And I still can't brace against the dead pedal. : P

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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