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Re: Clarification needed - "coilovers" in street prepared.

To: Jay Mitchell <>,
Subject: Re: Clarification needed - "coilovers" in street prepared.
From: Travis Lane <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 10:41:03 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jay Mitchell <> wrote:
> Steven N. Burkett wrote:
> > I'm confused on the wording of 14.8.A - says that coilovers
> can't be used
> > where not originally equipped.
> So far, so good. If your car came with leaf springs, or with coil
> springs that aren't concentric with the shocks, you can't change
> it to coilovers.

I remember wondering this for a while, myself.  This last sentence is the
clincher.  For example, in the rear of my M3, the rear springs are about a
foot inboard from the dampers, so no coilover for me (in the rear).

T  L a n e

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