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Re: Being $crewed by a Dealer$hip, any thoughts?

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: Being $crewed by a Dealer$hip, any thoughts?
From: Paul Cezanne <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 08:31:32 -0400
>I was a service manager at two dealerships in the 1980's, First rule of
>dealing with any car service dept is to inspect the car before you pay!!
>Once you pay, you are at their mercy in the short term. That was your
>biggest mistake. The service director of the dealership chain will likely
>yank you around to the point where they figure you will give up. Your next
>step should be to contact your state attorney generals office, better
>business bureau, consumer affairs or any other agency that deals with
>consumer problems in your area. send them all letters and CC a copy to the
>service director and the owner of the dealership. Like everything else in
>life the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

And the final step, the one where you get your money back for the 
original repairs, is small claims court.  I've done it, it is easy, 
and I won by default.  They didn't even show up.

Paul Cezanne (formerly Czarnecki)

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