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Re: M3's in ESP... the mental factor

To: "Team Autocross List" <>
Subject: Re: M3's in ESP... the mental factor
From: "msmith2" <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 00:24:41 -0400
Ok, why not just ditch the whole ABCDEFGH thing and just have S, SP, ST, SM,
P, and M.

If your mind is THAT powerful, it should work.

How would ya feel about running your Corrado against a RX7-TT? Still think
you can win?


> RJ>SP>So ESP...  stop talking about how hopeless it is, have faith in your
> RJ>SP>cars, and prep them to the limit of the rules.  Go testing, try
> RJ>SP>different shock valving, different spring rates.  I firmly believe
> RJ>SP>a well prepped and well driven ESP pony-car should be right with the
> RJ>SP>Tunnell-mobile.  Just my .2c on an often underestimated factor...
> RJ>SP>mental one.

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