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Re: M3's in ESP - Mid Season Opinion

Subject: Re: M3's in ESP - Mid Season Opinion
From: jon e prevo <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:40:06 -0500
Thanks, Phil!  Point is, I don't know who these alleged big dogs are who
were spanked in Peru, but until I see an M3 run away from the M guy, I
don't figure there can be too much disparity, right?  And BTW, isn't he
on a mission always?  And maybe that's what led to this particular big
win?  As has been pointed out several times, these guys are bitter, maybe
just because they got whipped by a great driver.

Challenge:  Ask him to come to a regional event where points don't matter
and compete against you in your car.  If the guy can't beat you in your
own car or at least get close to matching you, continue the car protest
angle and I'll jump on board with you.  Otherwise, back off and see if
the M continues to be the unfair overdog that you seem to think it is.

This is what I learned from the BSP Corvette discussion.  I still think
I'm right and that time will show that, but I'm willing to wait until the
FACTS support me to really assert my opinion again.

Jon BSP 37

On Thu, 25 May 2000 22:23:35 -0400 "Phillip S. Osborne"
<> writes:
> Awwww, come on Jon, that ain't fair.  Madarash was on a 
> beat
> Ames!  Hell, he could have beat Janish in CP that day if that is who 
> he was
> running against! <vbg>
> Phil O.
> >Ask Mr. Sipe how he compared to Mr. Madarash at the FW Nat'l. Tour.
> >

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