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STCharles NEW ARENA - the 28th

Subject: STCharles NEW ARENA - the 28th
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 10:11:21 EDT
This weekend, the 28th only, the StLouis Region will hold an event at Family 
Arena - in St. Charles - less than 4 hrs from KC.  Six casino's within 5 
min., there's a hotel at 5th Street and Hwy 70, (636-946-1000) that is VERY 
friendly for trailer parking and is only 1 mile from event site.

Event site is also the site for the September SoloTime #4 Event.  A HUGE NEW 
parking lot at our new hockey\multi use arena.

Come and get a preview of September's Event and party for a day or so.

For more details, call 636-946-4260 or get on the StLouis Region webpage for 
more numbers.

JC Crump

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