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Re: for the NON Gassers

Subject: Re: for the NON Gassers
From: Jeff Lloyd <>
Date: 21 May 2000 22:11:01 -0700
Well I ended up finding a Diesel Rabbit pickup, and will be doing a TDI 
conversion to it soon to make towing the Z3 bearable...

this little bugger honks though...

I found I can cut 4 seconds off my 0-60 times by pulling the "Cold Start 
advance" knob out..

it smokes a little like that but must be making 10-15 more HP..  

as a matter of fact I Ran a autox event with the "rattle trap" and scored right 
in the middle of peoples times, not bad for a 52hp diesel pickup with 13x4.5" 
wheels.. but I needed to be careful I could loose 8 seconds per run if i did 
not keep momentum up though..


On Sun, 21 May 2000, "Jake Russell" wrote:
> I run a VW Rabbit Diesel for about a year and a half now and am finding some
> success with it regionally now.  Although it is primarily my daily driver
> (and I get in the well-upper 40 mpg's with it too!) I am really using it as
> a test bed for the engine toying with the idea of building a Street Prepared
> Turbo-Diesel, as well as learning to drive autocrosses better of course :)
> There is also another competitor here locally who is even crazier than I am
> (he does high speed time trials and autocrosses a Turbo-Diesel Mercedes
> Sedan!)  And other have reported success with VW TDIs - check the vwautox
> mailing list archive at
> My interpretation of the SCCA rules is that Diesel is legal for Solo II
> because it fits the definition of Gasoline under 3.6.B "Gasolines consist
> entirely of hydrocarbon compounds."  And since it's a pump fuel, it's also
> legal for stock class (3.6.A)  If you do write to the SEB about diesel
> legality in Solo II please let me know what response you get!
> The funny thing is, many folks do not realize that diesels are cleaner than
> gas motors.  While many (especially in california air resources board!)
> react to the visible particulate matter emissions of a diesel, these settle
> out as dust.  There are several times lower of many regulated hyironmentally
> harmful emissions such as CO, hydrocarbons and in some cases NOx, mostly due
> to the oxygen-rich diesel combustion process.  There is also a vegetable-oil
> derived diesel many in Europe run which is a renewable resource!  More info?
> Check out my speech at:
> I only wish VW would import the 4-motion 150hp 1.9l TDI VW Golf.  That
> engine would be a total screamer even for turbocharged-gas engine standards!
> Oh yeah and don't mind those who complained about diesels having no place in
> solo II - I think for some of them it's probably just because they've been
> "smoked" by one in an SCCA event (figuratively as well as literally)  ;)  :P
> hee-hee!
> Jake
> NWR #45 FSP VW Rabbit Turbo-Diesel "ol-smoky" :)
> Project GTD web site (dedicated to VW Diesels)

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