>Many people don't realise this, but when they check those little boxes
>of "interest" on their membership renewal form, they're asking for their
>membership dues to be shared amoung all of the boxes selected.
>If everyone in the SCCA autox community who weren't sharing their
>time/effort between types of motorsport (club racing, pro racing, solo,
>rally etc.) would just check the autoxers (don't recall the exact
>wording right now) box and nothing else, a fair bit more money would be
>in the coffers for Solo2.
Re-e-e-e-ealy. I did not know that. Is this fact or just supposition?
If so, I'll be sure to rectify the problem when I renew in October.
See you on course.
Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T
...i went right to it flooded the carburetor
cranked her up, slipped the clutch
and then somehow got into reverse she kicked
what the hell, next minute i was back in neutral
tried and again slow-ly, bare-ly nudg-ing
my lever right...........
"she being brand new" by ee cummings