Jim & Marilyn Rohn wrote:
> Excuse me, but JUST EXACTLY WHAT IS THE POINT????? All the rhetoric (and
> insults and other guy stuff) aside, what is the point of this discussion?
> Do we want to ban single-car classes, or just series trophies for
> single-car classes?
The answer to your question IMO is: depends on your perspective and
how many other people in your region share that perspective. If most
say it will be this way or that, so be it.
I suspect this is a hot button for some because they personally
would accept a single-car class trophy and assign value to it.
I personally do not, so I am less likely to see value in it; but
I also believe that you can achieve some balance by offering alternatives,
encouraging moving classes, adding PAX classes, etc. If there are
more possiblities people will migrate on their own.
But, aside from that opinion and your question. My injection into
this debate has to do with whether a person's opinion on this topic
fits with their other stated (or implied) opinions on other topics
relating to what people believe is "competition." In many cases I
do not see a consistency.
And by challenging the reasons for either side, I notice people tend
to come out swinging and throwing all kinds of arguments based on
"what-ifs" and "its just like this", etc. These other examples do not
always consistent with the supposed reason that we need to be tolerate
of others opinions and that regional events are for having fun.
This minor issue of one-car classes thus triggered my hot button about
how people tend to point to the rule book and use the argument that
it must be this way and _demand_ that we must have regional events
just like a National event because it is not "competition otherwise"
and "so that people can get used to competing in a national event."
All the arguments used to support single-car classes as being
"true competition" can equally be used to support all kinds of
other class structures and combinations of classes as "true
competition." Yet most of the folks advocating the former will
not support the latter.
I guess what would really make me happy would be if the SCCA Solo
II Rule Book had written across the cover in bold red characters
Then we would forced to use it as a guide, if we choose, and can
go about setting up the most flexible venue to try and satify everyone
locally. Regional events are training and experience venues. There is
ample events for those people who want to go thrash their cars, test
their psyche, and flex their egos that are rigid, by-the-book.
Why subject everybody to this even if they don't care about National
level competition. Check any region and you will find the number of
national level competitors is a very small minority.