Subject: Re: Earning Trophies? Nope.
We adopted this philosophy in Central Ky. Region a few years ago, and it is
still in effect (last I heard anyway.) If you pax single car classes,
everyone has competition...The only way to feel good about winning...
Phil O.
>It would make more sense to group single cars into Paxed groups......but
>time I think into Stock/Pax, SP/Pax, Prep/Pax, and Mod/Pax rather than the
>"catch-all" combined class we (here in Phoenix) tried before.
>Probably no fewer trophies handed out, but then at least each would have
>*some* meaning and real value.......
>My two cents worth, as well as humble opinion.
>Scott Meyers
>More than a little old-fashioned about things like this
>(I would favor a nice "prize" rather than a trophy, but nothing indicating