Are you kidding? Dude they sold in cases of 24 units each. Do you know
how wasted Linnhoff would be after 24 of those things!!!!!! He would be so
toasted the he couldn't find first gear or the the safety on a the Glock 10mm.
Mike B. TLS#1
Jeff Lloyd wrote:
> Ps. they do not contain enough No2 to make a diffrence in a car, now a human
> on the other hand wahwahwahwahwah
> >From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
> >Reply-To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
> >To: "autox" <>
> >Subject: nitrous oxide cartridges
> >Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 11:53:35 -0500
> >
> >Howdy all.
> >
> >Is anybody out there, ahem, "mature" enough to remember the old
> >fashioned home-made whipped cream makers form the 60's? You just poured
> >the cream into a seltzer-like bottle, acrewed the lid on tight and then
> >attached the small CO2-like cartridge which actually contained bnitrous
> >oxide to it and you had instant whipped cream.
> >
> >My question is this: Are these small nitrous oxide cartridges (they
> >used to look just like the CO2 cartridges for pellet rifles and seltzer
> >bottles) still sold and what type of store might be likely to carry
> >them?
> >
> >It's for a top secret project.
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >See you on course.
> >
> >Eric Linnhoff in KC
> >#69DS TLS #13
> >'98 Neon R/T