Why did you have to go and do that. I don't think you have a clue just
you have done. Giving this kind of stuff to Linnhoff is very very
You never know what kind of infernal contraption he may devise using
things. I'm serious dude, you just created a monster.
Mike B. TLS#1
"Steven N. Burkett" wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> > Is anybody out there, ahem, "mature" enough to remember the old
> > fashioned home-made whipped cream makers form the 60's?
> Or "immature" enough to remember alternate uses for these little
> cannisters?
> You can order them online from http://smellygig.com/bs/whipit.html
> Or try your local head shop.
> Steven