Sorry for the late response, I missed your original post:
> I have a few questions about the Jacksonville Divisional. My wife Cathy
> just started racing this Sunday and may want to drive an F-Mod at
> Jacksonville.
You lucky dog :-)
> She is not an SCCA member (although I am).
Ok, nobody's perfect. :-)
> 1. How can we make her eligible to run? If she becomes a member will
> she get a card soon enough? Can she use my # if we add her as a family
> member? Can she get a Speed Freakz membership. (she's 24)
She can join the SCCA and register for the event at the same time. Just go
ahead and pre-register the both of you at the SEDiv website. We can take
care of the rest during registration check-in at the event.
> 2. Is there anyone going to JAX that is taking an F-Mod? If so contact
> me so we can talk about a Co-Drive situation. She would also need a
> ride for Perry, GA.
Can't help you there, except that you can also preview the pre-registered
vehicles and drivers at the SEDiv website for possible F Mod contacts. How
am I doing so far?
> 3. How are the women's classes run? Are all of the women paxed
> together or do the women run in individual classes? (sorry I'm so
> ignorant about this one, I never paid close enough attention)
Each open class has a counterpart Ladies class; F Mod Ladies (FML) in this
Sounds to me like all you need to do is go to the SEDiv website and spend a
little time net-surfing at our Solo2 beach:
<A HREF="";>BFG's SCCA SEDiv Solo2 website</A>
If you or anyone else has any questions regarding SEDiv Solo2 activities,
please feel free to direct them to my attention. I'll be glad to assist and
Mark Sipe
SEDiv Solo2 Deputy Steward
(334) 273-9439