Those facts are well known. Most of the autoxers go on "Grudge Nights"
when they are just running for personal ET's. Real racers don't care as
much about ET's as they do about being the first ones to trip the lights.
The whole point I'm trying to make to the experienced drag racers is that
it really isn't a similar experience (having done both). As mentioned
earlier, what detracts from Pro Solo is that I could have a faster run that
Erik Strelnieks but he could get back before me because he cut a better
light. This is the same as in drag racing but you never know the actual
capabilities of the car because the time started while you were snoozing on
the tree.
Getting back to the original thread, the PS light is necessary in Drag
Racing, it is only a convenience in Pro Solo.
>Common misconception. Yes, the time at the strip doesn't start until the
>regardless of E.T. If all you care about is your E.T., then the below is
>But I suppose that most bracket racers (etc.) care about getting to the
end of
>the quarter mile first.
>You can win with a slower E.T. and faster reaction time. Simply put,
>time plus E.T. is what determines the winner.
>Al Chan
Previous post:
> For those who haven't done Pro's, I feel reaction time is even more
> critical in Pro Solo that at the strip (although we all know it is
> there too). Why? Because unlike at the strip, your time starts when the
> light goes green, not when you break the start beam.