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Yoko A008RS Q's

Subject: Yoko A008RS Q's
From: Brian Stein <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 22:38:55 -0400
Hey all.  Been lurking for some time...but now I have a few quick questions.  

I just got a set of A008RS for my '99 Subaru Impreza RS.  I did not get two
A and two B tires (the guys at the Tirerack said I didn't need to).  But to
have all the tires with the proper 'drive' direction, the left tires are
mounted differently (relative to inner/outer tread) than the rights.  Is
this a problem?  The guy who mounted 'em said don't worry...but I was

Second, any recommendations for some starting pressures AND anything that I
should do/watch out for the first few runs with these?  BTW, they were

Thanks all.


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