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Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2

To: Bruce Wentzel <>
Subject: Re: Atwater ProSolo Deletable Ramblings 2
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 08:54:25 -0700

Bruce Wentzel wrote:
> Seems that this got resolved by someone actually reading the
> rules.  WOW.

I am not sure it is 100% resolved (but I am sure it will resemble a dead
horse). I would bet that if asked, 99 out of a 100 ProSolo competitors
will tell you that you can not adjust air pressure once you are at the
side of the trailer. 

I would not be comfortable with making pressure adjustments in this area
unless the rule's wording was blessed by Howard.

> My $.02.  When the time clock came into existance it eliminated
> any delay of event due to tire pressure adjusting.

Perhaps, but I have been told at many events that we are not allowed to
make pressure adjustments once we pull up and these events all had
timing clocks. It appears that if this is a rule change (I don't keep my
old books) then it is a new one.

Randy Chase

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