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Re: Celica GT vs ST

Subject: Re: Celica GT vs ST
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:38:33 -0500 wrote
> OK so I'll conceed that in the right hands (not mine) the ST has the ability
> to be "competitive" with the GT in ES.  With that in mind I can't
> wholeheartedly  object with conviction the move proposal for the ST to move
> to ES.  Yes I'll whine and moan and groan all day about it too.  I don't like
> the idea of my ST going to ES land but for neat courses like we had today and
> the competition as it was will still get me to run with the fun Cheese heads.
I'm sorry I didn't get to see you before you took off.  (Rather quickly
I might add)  I did not get my opportunity to discuss the proposed
classing changes with you AFTER you finished spanking me on the course,
and running right up close to Jeff and Per's tailpipes.  (big grin!)  A
slap on the back to all three of you.  The "Three Celica-iero's"!  You
guys are really going to give me the proper motivation to get the Cow
Car set up fast!

Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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