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Re: Corrections to Previous Post FW: The tire thing^n and personal

To: "Chan, Albert (GEP)" <>
Subject: Re: Corrections to Previous Post FW: The tire thing^n and personal
From: Josh Sirota <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 12:34:33 -0700
"Chan, Albert (GEP)" wrote:
> *       As Josh mentioned in his post, the only two criteria for a new model
> was tread pattern or model designation by the tire manufacturer. Construction
> was not included in the rule.

I didn't really mention anything, I just quoted.  But now I'll mention
something.  The wording of this rule (in '89) was:

"Any of the following changes OR SIMILAR CHANGES (AS DETERMINED BY THE
SOLO EVENTS BOARD) will also be considered to represent a new model for
eligibility purposes, even if the designation does not change: change of
tread pattern at either full or partial tread depth; characterization by
the manufacturer or distributor of a tire as "new" after April 30th."

Caps mine.  Surely construction is a similar change to those other two. 
It's included, just implicite instead of explicite.

It's clear to me that if someone had actually bothered to protest a tire
construction change for a tire introduced at Salina, they could have
done so and prevailed.  No one bothered.


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